Friday, March 25, 2016

Daredevil Season 2: The Sh*t Hits the Fan

Let’s not lie to ourselves here: Season 1 tanked. What we all hoped for in terms of serial storytelling, moral musings, and catholic self guilt were only remotely satisfied. Not to a degree that could turn off a viewer to the show entirely but to leave us wanting more. The running story took too long to develop. The ancillary characters seemed to add next to nothing to the story. It seemed to suffer from the idea of it being an origin story for both Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk. Season 2 takes all of this and chucks it aside.

            Season 2 honors the episodic format in what I would argue is the most episodic a Netflix serial has been ever. Nearly every episode ends with a big revelation, in the middle of a fight, or right before all hell breaks loose. This season fully embraces it’s temporality and honors it’s weekly comics format in a way that’s not tiring.

            Part of the show’s momentum is it’s new players, and boy are they good. I’m a huge fan of Jon Bernthal. To me the guy could do no wrong. His performance as Frank Castle aka The Punisher drags the show (and Daredevil, at times) kicking and screaming into both moral grey areas (the use of a vigilante) and some of the best fight scenes we’ve seen in a long time. The show’s best move is to make Frank Castle’s story integral to the whole plot. Daredevil fights The Punisher at night while Matt Murdock (and lawyer friend Foggy Nelson) defend him in court by day. It’s a fantastic setup that neatly develops all the characters involved (in this season Foggy goes from annoying best friend to genuine character with hope and dreams of his own by way of this trial.)

            Player number 2: Elodie Young as Elektra couldn’t have helped lighten the show any more. For being a ‘darker’ Marvel property Daredevil/Matt spent wayyyyyy too much time brooding in season 1. Elektra (who comes into play after The Punisher gets taken off the streets) shows us a new side of Murdock. She’s the bad girl to Matt’s stiffness. The two of them together lighten all of the scenes with her devil-may-care attitude about breaking the law. She’s the perfect foil for Karen Page (both romantically and story wise.) Both of these new characters bring new levels to our neglected Foggy and Karen that we’re genuinely interested in their development.

            The only thing the show genuinely suffers from is an unclear ending. I won’t spoil the show for you (too much) but the evil Ninja Cult, The Hand takes a literal faceless value. It’s mission (to ‘activate’ Black Sky?) so obscure and vague there’s no real sense of stakes there. Also, for highly trained Ninjas they go down as quickly as minions in a Power Rangers episode. To the end, a big battle is nice but it doesn’t particularly feel satisfying since we’re unsure to what extent the good guys won or if this is all part of an even bigger setup we’re gonna see pay off in Season 3. It’s fair to say that our attention was so invested in The Punisher and Elektra we are forced to return to a more Matt-centric finale, where everything services his growth as a character, and it feels artificial.

            The show is all around much more welcoming of it’s source material. Plenty of frames looked like near identical replicas of comic book panels. Where there was darkness or color before there is texture and sensation now (as opposed to just mood.) We see Daredevil interact with his powers more. We see every secondary character develop individual arcs. The best arc has to be Frank Castle (with a great 3 episode cameo from Wilson Fisk). While the first season wanted to talk about justice and corrupt systems in a literary manner this season seems to delve more into vigilantism in a pure pulpy way (lots of times debates happen, and then fights as if the fights are just extensions of the debate.) I’d say Daredevil Season 2 has embraced more it’s source material’s aesthetic and benefits over all from it.

Side note: Is anyone else just like brimming with excitement to get more crossover from these shows as they develop? I was hoping for a Murdock/Jessica Jones conversation in the last episode just as a throw away. I guess I’ll have to be happy with Rosario Dawson and Carrie-Anne Moss cameos

Here's a photo of Elektra and Punisher enjoying a milkshake.

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